Generation of the NEC2 input file

WIREGRID supports two data formats for the NEC2 input file: When satisfied with the model, the first part of the NEC2 input file containing all the geometric data may then be generated on command.

WIREGRID also provides for the generation of control statements which allow maximum coupling computation between voltage sources, and radiation pattern generation at specified frequencies. Only wire segments belonging to major elements defined by <#253#>two<#253#> nodes may be excited for this purpose. (Of course, the experienced user can edit the NEC2 data file created by WIREGRID to define more complex antennas). Furthermore, the radiation pattern cards generated are only for cross sections defined by angles of constant azimuth or elevation angles of the full three dimensional patterns. Since it is fairly easy to enter the control statements into the NEC2 input file by hand, only these very common type of requests are catered for by WIREGRID.

Any additional command lines or alterations to the geometry data may be added afterwards, with the user's editor of choice. For this purpose, the following information on the structure of the geometry data section is important:

<#1078#>Figure<#1078#>: <#1079#>WIREGRID's main menu screen<#1079#>